Rückerstattung und Entschädigung: TianJin Airlines

If you’ve experienced flight delays or cancellations with Tianjin Airlines, you may be entitled to receive up to 600 € in compensation per person.

Tianjin Airlines’s latest on-time performance data reveals that out of 0 flight departures in the last 24 hours, 0.00% departed on time.



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Tianjin Airlines: Flights Canceled Today

How many flights were canceled today?

  • According to our most recent data Tianjin Airlines canceled 0 flights in 24 hours.

  • 0.00% of domestic flights and 0.00% of international flights have been canceled.

  • If your flight was canceled and you had less than 14 days notice, you could be owed up to 600 € compensation. Check here.

Flight Cancellation Compensation Tianjin Airlines

Regardless of whether you're at home or abroad when you find out about your Tianjin Airlines flight cancellation, you're going to have a lot of questions and concerns. The first thing to know is that Tianjin Airlines should find you a new flight, or offer you a full refund.

But because flight cancellations almost always play havoc with your travel plans, you should check whether you're also entitled to claim Tianjin Airlines cancelled flight compensation to help make up for the disruption.

Under UK and EU regulations, Tianjin Airlines should pay passengers up to 600 € per person when they cancel flights at late notice — that is, any flight cancellation less than 14 days before it was due to depart.

Tianjin Airlines will not have to pay compensation if they were able to offer a replacement flight with similar departure and arrival times to the original. You can check the exact requirements on our flight cancellation compensation page.

Airlines also don't have to pay compensation if extraordinary circumstances were at play. That means that if an unusual situation occurred that was outside of the airline's control but forced a cancellation, there's no Tianjin Airlines flight cancellation compensation owed. Typical examples include bad weather or a strike by air traffic control.

Delayed or canceled flight with Tianjin Airlines? Find out if you're owed up to 600 € in compensation

Tianjin Airlines: Flight Delays Today

How many flights were delayed today?

  • Our latest data shows that over a 24-hour period, 0 Tianjin Airlines flights were delayed 3 hours or more.

  • Of 0 flights, 0.00% were delayed over 3 hours. That rate was 0.00% for international flights.

  • Passengers who arrive at their destination over 3 hours late could be owed compensation. Check your flight.

Tianjin Airlines Flight Delay Compensation

Whenever you're kept waiting by Tianjin Airlines flight delays, it's worth checking whether you're entitled to compensation for your time. If Tianjin Airlines is responsible for the delay, EU regulations say that passengers are owed up to 600 € per person when they're delayed by 3 hours or more.

When you're claiming flight delay compensation, Tianjin Airlines will check what time the flight arrived at the final destination. That's because for flight delay claims it is the time that you arrived that is important, not the time of departure. AirHelp owns one of the most comprehensive databases of flight stats available, so we can always back up Tianjin Airlines flight delay compensation claims with the exact delay time.

Airlines like Tianjin Airlines do not have to pay out compensation if there's some external reason for the delay. That means delays caused by bad weather, an incident at the airport, or air traffic control strikes are not eligible for compensation. These kind of situations are called extraordinary circumstances.

You can learn more about what is and isn't included on our flight delay compensation page.

Claim up to 600 € in compensation if your flight has been delayed, canceled, or overbooked within the last 3 years.

Air Passenger Rights and Flight Compensation

Even though Tianjin Airlines is not a European airline, they always comply with European laws every time they depart from a European airport. That means passengers flying out of a European airport with United Airlines are protected by EC 261, one of the world's most comprehensive air passenger rights laws.

This gives passengers the right to claim flight delay compensation, United Airlines cancellation compensation, or overbooking compensation if United Airlines is responsible for the issue. That's in addition to their rights to a flight refund.

Unfortunately, the same protections don't apply for flights going the other way. Tianjin Airlines passengers who land in the EU are not covered by EC 261 if the departure airport is outside the EU. For these flights, you'll need to check what other air passenger rights apply.

Which United Airlines Flights are Covered by EC 261?

Covered by EC 261
Flights departing EU airportsYes
Flights arriving at EU airportsNo

How Much Tianjin Airlines Compensation?

All flights under 1,500 km Up to €250 per person
Internal EU flights over 1,500 km Up to €400 per person
Non-internal EU flights between 1,500 - 3,500 km Up to €400 per person
Non-internal EU flights over 3,500 km Up to €600 per person

Table shows values in € as specified in EC 261. Distances and amounts are similar under UK law.

There are exceptions and special circumstances which may impact how much compensation owes in your case. The easiest way to find out what you’re owed is to use our free compensation check.

Flight statistics: delays and cancellations of Tianjin Airlines

Punctuality of Tianjin Airlines (24 hours):

Total flights: 0
On-time flights: 0
Punctuality rate: about 0.00% of all flights were on time
Long delays (greater than 3 hours): 0
Flight cancellations: 0

The number of flights shown is an estimate based on internal and third-party databases.

Use AirHelp to claim your compensation

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