Flight Delay Compensation: How to Get US Refunds & EU 261 Claims

Flight delay compensation - Passengers in line waiting for their delayed flight

Air travel can occasionally encounter turbulence in the form of unexpected flight delays. For those who have endured the frustration of a late flight, there exists a silver lining in the form of potential airline delay compensation. Under the European legislation known as EC 261, passengers may be entitled to receive up to $650 (€600) flight delay compensation.

US law does not mandate monetary compensation for delayed flights. However, many airlines offer types of compensation such as meal vouchers, hotel accommodations, ground transportation to and from the hotel, and in some cases, travel vouchers. Additionally, if your flight has experienced a significant delay, you might be entitled to a ticket refund.

Read on to learn about your air passenger rights and how to claim delayed flight compensation.

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Key points about flight delay compensation

  • There is no compensation for delayed flights in the United States. However, under DOT regulations you may be entitled to an automatic refund of the ticket cost in cases of significant delays.

  • Under EU 261, passengers may be eligible for compensation of up to $650 (€600) for flight delays of at least 3 hours.

  • National and international regulations grant additional passenger rights, such as airline assistance during prolonged flight delays.

  • You claim compensation directly with the airline, or avoid stressful paperwork and let AirHelp handle the entire process for you.

Delayed Flight Compensation in the US

Can You Get a Refund or Compensation for a Delayed Flight?

U.S. regulations do not require airlines to provide monetary compensation for delayed flights. DOT regulations do, however, provide for refund for significantly delayed domestic and international flights. In addition, some flights departing from the United States may be covered by European Regulation EC 261 and you may therefore be entitled to compensation.

Here is a quick guide to your reimbursement and compensation options:

Flight delayRefundCompensation
Domestic flight delayed over 3 hours*✔️ Yes❌ No
International flight delayed over 6 hours*✔️ Yes❌ No
Tarmac delay over 3 hours (domestic)**✔️ Yes❌ No
Flight departing from the US to EU (EU airline)❌ No✔️ Yes (EU 261)

*Passengers are entitled to a refund if they do not accept the rebooking offered by the airline and decide not to fly.

** Passengers are entitled to a refund if the flight is canceled or they decide not to fly.

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What Do Airlines Owe You for Delays? Compensation Policies

When your flight faces a significant delay, what do airlines owe you? Most will rebook you on the next available flight to your destination at no extra cost. Some may even arrange travel on a partner airline’s flight, still free of charge. The Department of Transportation (DOT) tracks which airlines go further, offering perks like meals for extended delays. Below, we’ve included a table summarizing what airlines owe you for controllable flight delays—check it out to know your rights.

AirlineRebook on same airlineRebook on partner airlineMeal
Jet Blue✔️✔️✔️

The ten airlines reported by the DOT account for approximately 96% of domestic air traffic.

In addition to the information provided in the table, the DOT also lists other services guaranteed by these ten airlines:

  • Complimentary hotel accommodations for passengers affected by an overnight delay — except for Frontier Airlines.

  • Complimentary ground transportation to and from the hotel for any passenger affected by an overnight delay — except for Frontier Airlines.

  • Credit/travel voucher when a delay results in a passenger waiting 3 hours or more from the scheduled departure time — offered only by Alaska, JetBlue, and Southwest.

  • Frequent flyer miles when a delay results in a passenger waiting 3 hours or more from the scheduled departure time — offered only by Alaska Airlines.

No airline provides cash compensation for delayed flights.

What is a controllable flight delay?

According to DOT regulations, a controllable flight delay is one that the airline could have avoided and therefore falls within the airline's responsibility and control. Examples include:

  • mechanical issues

  • maintenance delays

  • crew scheduling problems

  • boarding or deplaning delays

In contrast, the airline is not held responsible for situations beyond its control, such as severe weather conditions, natural disasters, air traffic control restrictions. As a result, these cases are not considered controllable flight delays.

Airline Cash Refunds for Delayed Flights

U.S. passenger rights regulations still don't mandate compensation for delayed flights, but important changes affecting ticket refunds were introduced in the fall of 2024. The new rules establish clear standards and introduce three key changes: automatic refunds, a clear definition of significant flight change, and precise timing for refunds.

The new DOT rules clearly define when a flight is considered "significantly changed":

  • Domestic flight delayed over 3 hours from scheduled departure.

  • International flight delayed over 6 hours from scheduled departure.

  • Change in departure or arrival airport (e.g., JFK to Newark).

  • Added connections or downgraded service (e.g., nonstop to connecting flight).

  • Changes making travel inaccessible for passengers with disabilities.

How US Passengers Can Claim Flight Delay Compensation

No matter where you live, if you’re flying from a European airport, or flying into Europe on a European airline, you can claim for flight delay under EC 261. This law can also protect the rights of US passengers, for example:

  • Flights from Europe to the United States;

  • Flights departing from US airports to Europe, operated by European airlines.

This chart makes it clear:

ItineraryCovered by EC 261?Compensation
US → EU (EU airline)✔️ YesUp to $650
EU → US (any airline)✔️ YesUp to $650
US → US (any airline)❌ NoN/A

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What Should You Do If Your Flight Is Delayed?

Whether it’s a US delay or one covered by EC 261, follow these steps to get what you’re owed:

  • Ask the airline why your flight is delayed. The reason matters: for example, mechanical issues or staffing problems may qualify for compensation; weather delays usually don’t.

  • Know your rights: for US flights, check airline policies or the new 2024 DOT refund rules; for EU-related flights, see if EC 261 applies (up to $650).

  • Save your boarding pass, ticket, and any delay announcements.

  • Submit your claim with the airline or through AirHelp as soon as possible—delays can have deadlines.

  • Let AirHelp help: enter your flight details with us, and we’ll handle the claim process for you.

If Your Plane is Delayed on the Tarmac

There are clear laws on your rights if your plane is delayed on the tarmac. These entitle you to information, food, and water. You can read exactly what they cover here.

Delayed Flight Claim - EU Airline Compensation

Under EC 261, you could be entitled to file a delayed flight claim for €600 (~$650) cash flight compensation if…

  • You arrived at your destination more than 3 hours later than planned.

  • Your flight took off in the EU (many flights into the EU also qualify)

  • You checked in for your flight on time (generally no less than 45 minutes before departure).

  • You encountered these problems on a flight operated no more than 3 years ago.

  • The airline was responsible for the delay (e.g. operational circumstances and technical difficulties).

  • It doesn’t matter whether the airline has already provided you with food, refreshments, or travel vouchers.

What Are You Owed in Flight Delay Compensation?

How Much Compensation Should You Get for Flight Delay?

When it comes to flights falling under the purview of EU law EC 261, a delay exceeding 3 hours automatically triggers your eligibility to claim compensation due to the inconvenience caused by the late flight.

The precise amount of your entitled flight delay compensation hinges on several factors, primarily the duration of your delay and the distance of your flight. The following chart provides a breakdown of these crucial details, so you have a better understanding of your possible late flight compensation:

Less than 3 hours3 – 4 hoursMore than 4 hoursDistance
❌ € –✔️ €250✔️ €250All flights 1,500 km or less
❌ € –✔️ €400✔️ €400Internal EU flights over 1,500 km
❌ € –✔️ €400✔️ €400Non-internal EU flights between 1,500 km and 3,500 km
❌ € –✔️ €300✔️ €600Non-internal EU flights over 3,500 km

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Right to Care: What You Can Get Besides EU Flight Delay Compensation

When you’re stuck waiting for the airline to get you back on track toward your destination, European law EC 261 says you’re entitled to some essentials, depending on your flight details.

  • The carrier must provide you with meals and refreshments during the delay as well as access to communications, including two telephone calls, telex or fax messages, and emails.

  • If overnight accommodation is necessary, they must provide you with a hotel room, and transportation to and from the airport.

Right to care includes:

Food and drink vouchers

Transfer if required

Hotel stay if required

Access to communication

Other Rights That Come With EC 261

Obligation to inform passengers of their rights

Airlines are obliged to inform passengers about their rights and the content of EC 261. This means that every airline has to display information on passenger’s rights at check-in counters.

You can find the full text of the regulation on this link.

Which Flights are Covered by EU Airline Delay Compensation?

Are All Delayed Flights Covered by EC 261?

The regulations set out in EU 261 apply based on the flight route and the airline – it doesn’t matter where the passengers are from.

Most routes that take off from an EU airport are covered. And we should point out that Europe covers more of the world than you might expect. The regulations cover the so-called ‘outermost regions’ (the Canary Islands, Madeira and the Azores, French Guiana and Martinique, Mayotte, Guadeloupe and La Réunion, and Saint-Martin). Plus European nations that are members of the EEA: Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland.

Even if your flight was scheduled to depart from outside Europe, if your destination was in Europe and you were flying with a European carrier, you’re covered. It’s easier to explain with a chart:

ItineraryEU Air CarrierNon-EU Air Carrier
From inside the EU to inside the EU✔️ Covered✔️ Covered
From inside the EU to outside the EU✔️ Covered✔️ Covered
From outside the EU to inside the EU✔️ Covered❌ Not Covered
From outside the EU to outside the EU❌ Not Covered❌ Not Covered

Here are some practical, real-world examples:

  • From Paris to Rome (any airline): Yes, covered! Flights within the EU fall under EC 261.

  • From London to New York (any airline): Yes, covered! Departing from an EU airport means EC 261 applies, no matter the carrier.

  • From New York to London (British Airways): Yes, covered! A European airline flying into the EU qualifies.

  • From Los Angeles to Vancouver (any airline): Not covered under EC 261: neither the departure or arrival is in the EU/EEA.

If your flight was delayed, canceled or overbooked within the last 3 years, you could be eligible for up to $650 in compensation.

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Airline Compensation is Not Required for Extraordinary Circumstances

The right to compensation for a canceled flight depends on whether the airline is responsible. Airlines are not required to compensate passengers in cases of extraordinary circumstances, meaning situations beyond the airline's control. These include severe weather conditions, medical emergencies, airport staff strikes, political instability, bird strikes, acts of sabotage, security risks… you get the idea.

If you’re still unsure, the table below will help clarify when you might be eligible for compensation:


  • Disruptions due to operational issues (e.g., technical problems)

  • Denied boarding due to overbooking

  • Missed connections caused by delays on the first leg of your journey

  • Strikes by airline staff

Extraordinary Circumstances

  • Severe weather conditions (e.g., snowstorms)

  • Natural disasters (e.g., volcanic eruptions, earthquakes)

  • Security threats or emergencies impacting airport operations

  • Strikes by airport staff

Under extraordinary circumstances, compensation is therefore off the table. However, other rights still apply, such as the right to care and assistance during your wait and, if applicable, the right to a ticket refund.

Can You Get Airline Compensation if You Miss a Connecting Flight?

With travelers flying farther afield than ever, it’s not uncommon for a flight to have one (or more) connecting flights. If any one of those flights is delayed, it can cause you to miss your connection and throw the whole journey into chaos. Here’s what you need to know about airline responsibilities and your compensation options under EU rules:

For more details, check out our missed connection advice page.

How EU Flight Delay Compensation is Calculated

The calculation of flight delay compensation hinges on the moment you arrive at your ultimate destination. This is because, even if your flight experienced a late departure, airlines may still have opportunities to reduce the delay during the flight itself.

So, what precisely constitutes a flight's "arrival time"?

In September 2014, the European Court of Justice (case C-452/13) provided a clear definition of "arrival time." According to this ruling, "arrival time" is officially recognized as the point at which the aircraft reaches its final destination and at least one of its doors is opened: at this moment, passengers are granted permission to disembark from the aircraft.

Arrival time can occasionally result in a variance of 15 minutes or more compared to the time at which the plane physically landed. Therefore, when pursuing a claim for your flight delay compensation, precision in determining the arrival time will ensure you receive the airline compensation you are entitled to.

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How to File a Claim to Get Flight Delay Compensation

Airline Compensation: What To Do When Your Flight is Delayed

If you’ve just found out your flight is delayed, don’t stress, follow our easy step-by-step guide on how to make the best out of the situation.

  • Hold onto your boarding pass and any other travel documents

  • Ask why the flight was delayed.

  • Gather proof of the delay (for example photos of the departure board or communications from the airline confirming the disruption.)

  • Make a note of the arrival time at your destination.

  • Ask the airline to pay for your meals and refreshments.

  • Don’t sign anything or accept any offers that may waive your rights.

  • Choose to wait it out or call it off if your delay is more than five hours.

  • If needed, get the airline to provide you with a hotel room.

  • Keep your receipts if your delayed flight ends up costing you extra money.

How to Claim Flight Delay Compensation with AirHelp

We understand that many air passengers do not have the time, experience or inclination to fight with airlines in order to claim the compensation they’re owed.

Why use AirHelp:

  • We'll tell you quickly if we think you are eligible for compensation.

  • We'll handle all communication with the airline.

  • There's no risk, we only charge a fee when we're successful in getting your compensation.

International Delayed Flights: The Montreal Convention

Over 130 nations, including the USA, are signed up to the 2003 Montreal Convention. This sets out air passenger rights for several types of flight disruption, including flight delays.

The convention addresses “damages” resulting from flight disruption. An example is financial damages. If your delayed flight meant you had to pay for an additional night in a hotel, you should be reimbursed for this. You can read more about the Montreal Convention here.

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How Can AirHelp Help?

How AirHelp Can Enforce Your Rights

  • AirHelp is the leading flight compensation company in the world, helping passengers understand their rights and get compensation for delayed or canceled flights, and in instances of denied boarding.

  • AirHelp is the best-rated flight compensation company in the world with a 9.2 score on Trustpilot.

  • We have already helped more than 16 million passengers.

  • To avoid the burden of time and navigating the complex legal system.

  • Airlines may deny your initial claim or ignore your claim request entirely, but our team tackles bureaucratic hurdles to get you the money you deserve.

Documents You Need to Claim Flight Delay Compensation

Airlines have different procedures and required documents to make a claim. The best advice is to hold on to all documents if your flight is delayed.

One of the advantages of filing a claim with AirHelp, is we know exactly what each airline will require. We’ll help you to find the right documents when you kick off your claim.

If you’re going to file directly with an airline, you can expect some pushback. Even with EC 261 on your side, they might not be enthusiastic – or quick – about paying you. To give your claim the best chance of succeeding, make sure you gather together all the documentation you can.

AirHelp’s Impact on Flight Delay Compensation Claims

In 2012, a landmark ruling by the European Court of Justice declared that passengers were entitled to compensation for long delays, as long as certain conditions were met.

Following on from that ruling, the floodgates opened for flight delay compensation claims to be made by disgruntled passengers.

AirHelp’s team strives to ensure that passengers are relieved from the stress of making a claim.

We take on the responsibility of enforcing your right to compensation from the airline.

To date, we have helped over 16 million passengers process their airline compensation claims.

If your flight was delayed, canceled or overbooked within the last 3 years, you could be eligible for up to $650 in compensation.

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