Get as much as $650 compensation for delayed, canceled, or overbooked flights. Find out how easy it is to claim with AirHelp.
All airlines
All countries
No Win, No Fee
EU Regulation EC 261
Brazilian Regulations
Montreal Convention
Turkish Regulations
Experienced agents
Up to 60% of all claims airlines reject are valid! We assess all claims ourselves, so we won’t stop fighting for your rightful compensation.
Independent data
We use vast amounts of data, from weather reports to flight stats, all to help us prove your compensation claim.
Specialist lawyers
Airline won’t cooperate? We’ll bring in specialist lawyers to get you justice — always under our no win, no fee promise.
Your air passenger rights are enshrined in law, and we want to make sure they’re accessible to all. When you’re let down by a long delay or cancellation, don’t let airlines get away with weak excuses. We will fight for the fair compensation you’re owed.
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